Thursday, June 30, 2011

A sigh of relief

Today officially started my end of taking care of my Kuwait visa papers.

Step 1:  Dr visit
I have been mentally preparing myself for this day for a while now.  Knowing how expensive things like this are here in the states, I was ready for the worst.  I lucked out to find out that people without insurance also get cut deals.  100 USD at the Dr office and 30% of the medical tests is all that I will have to pay.  Now to find out just how big that medical test bill will be.

Step 2:  Finger prints and background check
Main stress with this part is hoping that the paper work gets done fast enough for me to take care of everything.  Next week this will be done and I will have to try to use my good looks to persuade the wonderful people of FBI and Police department that I need to have it done ASAP. 

I have to hand in my US Passport to the Kuwait embassy for them to process my papers.  All of this needs to be done before I leave on July 24th.  That will be the last stress moment.  Jikes!!  Then back to Latvia I go to finish up things with the cat.