Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The first few days

The first few days here have been a whirl wind of excitement.  I have spent the first few days at school going on tours, learning about the different programs and just really getting my head back into the game after the summer. Starting at a new place is such a great feeling, especially when you feel so welcome and starting it with such great people.  I can see myself here becoming a better teacher and learning so much more while having fun.

During these first few days I have also spent time getting my living space organized.  So here it is:

My living room.
My bedroom and my bathroom.

My TWO extra rooms!! 
One room is my suitcase room and the other is going to be an ironing room.

 My living room again.

 My other bathroom.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Time to fly!

8.5 bags of my things
.5 of a bag of my brother's things
1 cat
1 carry on

Finally Kuwait bound.  I hope everything makes it there without many hurdles to jump over along the way.

Monday, August 22, 2011

cat papers . . check! and Rigas Svetki

With the final days  here, today I finally also got the cat's papers all squared away.  She is physically ready to go . . but mentally only wednesday will tell!

This weekend was also Rigas svetki.  The streets were filled with all sorts of people and exciting things happening all around.  Here are a few scenes from the weekend:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

To take or not to take . . . that IS the question.

My days here in Latvia are quickly coming to an end and yet it still hasn't really hit me that I am moving on and leaving Latvia for more than just a week.  I have been out of my house now almost for a month and my things have been scattered between two apartments.  I have no idea where anything is and the disorder is driving me crazy.  But the other day while hanging out in Jurmala trying to help with the renovations as much as I can, I took time to also survey my things and to start packing and repacking some bags.  I have come to realize that I will be leaving a lot here in Latvia just because it will make things easier.  I am also trying to minimize  what I am actually bringing.  Here is what it looks like so far . . .

<--Everything all together, minus 5 boxes of already stored away things.
 The "i don't need these things any more" pile that will get donated somewhere.(minus the tautas terps that is hanging in this corner, that is some how coming with me) -->
 <--  The bags and things that still need to get packed and repacked (my biggest stress!)
 The bags that for the most part are packed and ready to go along with my carry on items (wings still need to make it in a bag though) -->
<--  The "staying in Latvia corner" just in case if I every may need them in the next two years, its a short trip back to get them.
 All the things that don't belong to me.  I.E. Kaija's stuff and my brother's.-->
<--  Finally the box of things that still need to get consumed before I leave or possibly packed in.  But most of these things will not be coming with me.

So packing is in process and i have 3 days to finish.  I fly out on Wednesday early afternoon.  Trying really hard to be a minimalist and its not easy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Moving around for my last few weeks in Latvia

So since we have a renter coming into my house I was asked to move out sooner because A) she would be arriving before I leave and B) the apartment that we are renovating should be ready enough for me to move in there.  Well A happened and B . . .  not quite.  The new renter is this nice American who will be working at the other international school here in Latvia.  Yesterday I moved all of my final things out and she took over my house.  A very sad day.  After living in my house for 4 years, I am really sad to leave it in the hands of someone else.  Its weird, I kind of wish I didn't have to see someone else living in my house but whatever . . . life goes on.

So back to B.  A few months ago we final go the "renters" out of another one of our houses within the same land plot.  (Our land has 3 houses on it that belong to us . . . at one time was 4 but that's a story for another time)  We have been busily trying to renovate it but as all good renovations, it is taking longer than planned.  With that in mind the house was not ready for us to move it.  Could have moved in but there is no water for the bathroom (which is the main problem) and no kitchen (not a big problem).  So  with that knowledge I had to find somewhere else to stay for at least a week (fingers crossed . .  holding thumbs!).  The fantastic people that we have as family friends and who have helped us with our houses and me during these four years have an apartment in Riga.  Since they live in one of our houses over the summer, their apartment was give to us to use for the week.  So with minimal items and my cat and brother, we have moved to the Riga apartment for the week.  I have never lived in an apartment for more than one night so it will be a test run of what the next 2 years will look like.

My cat has become more comfortable with the move and I am sure that by the end of the week will be ready to travel anywhere.  We hope to be back in Jurmala  by the end of the weekend and living in the newly renovated house.