Saturday, December 15, 2012

Masters Program

Creating a blog here at is quite simple.  All you need to do is decide on what you want to blog about, pick a layout and start typing.  My challenges with this blog are to keep it up to date.  With teaching, you always have to make sure that your blogs are neutral.  Because of that, I decided to focus not just on teaching but also on the traveling that I get to do while teaching over seas and the cultural experiences that I come across.

Wow it has been a while!

Hello from the Sandbox!!

So I am almost positive that I warned you when I started this blog, that updates might get scarce from time to time.  And I have kept to my promise.  But not to worry, I am still here and will try to be better with updates.

So what has happened since Latvia . . . .

A new school year has begun with a new group of students.  My kids are great and school life has been very stable.  I have found a great routine that works for both me and my students and we are successful in working together.

Outside of school I am working on my masters program . . Masters of Teaching and Learning with Technology.  It has been on my list of things to do for a long time and now I am 2 courses done and currently working on the 3rd one.  It is a year long program, so by this time next year I will have a masters in technology.  Pretty exciting!!

With that being said, my current course is having me set up a blog.  So why set up a new one when I can just use this one.  So once in a while you might find a post that seems out of the ordinary.  That is me fulfilling my course requirements.  (Hence the newest post).

I am a week away from being home for Christmas which is really exciting.  I have no idea where this first half of the year has gone.  Time sure does fly when your having fun.

Though I am in a slight predicament . . to stay or not to stay.  I will most likely be staying for one more year in Kuwait but I am conducting a very soft search for what else the world has to offer.

Future travel plans:
January - Doha for a long weekend
April - Bangkok for professional development

My brother is moving to Kazakstan within the next few months so I am sure to travel there too.  And before I know it, it will be June and I will be flying back to Latvia. Wow!!

Life here in Kuwait just continues to be steady and enjoyable.