Today I received my flight information. August 24th! Its pretty exciting but also kind of scary. This is when things start to actually become real. I am trying to stay on top of everything that I need to get done for Kuwait while also finishing off the school year here.
Things to do:
1: Call embassy to find out my states requirements. (I hope my parents can help with this part)
2: background check (can't officially do this before i get my visa)
3: medical check (also can't do this until i get my visa)
(both 2 and 3 of these need to be done in the states!!)
4: Go to DC in June when i get home
Between all of this I need to make sure my cat gets all of her paper work done too! (Better call the vet now).
ISR things to do:
1: get the website to work
2: get the yearbook done and printed
3: update a crazy amount of work (kind of my fault procrastination got to me)
4: get all of my personal things home from school
Everything is such a big job with so little time left to do it all in. With hope and a little wine i will get through this.